Tag Archives: milk teeth

You Only Teeth Twice*

“You Only Teeth Twice, so get your Gums ready.  It mattered not whether you were James Bond or Jane Bombshell. 🙂

Sometime during our young innocent days, everyone had this rude awakening that some blood-letting was part of life and that we had to let go of some things for the better.  That is, milk teeth would have to give way to permanent teeth.

Some of the baby teeth fell off without much coaxing, but others required a string and a gentle tug. The first occasion was traumatic, but it got easier the second time around.…and was  even fun.

Per Chinese kampong folklore, the shed lower teeth had to be thrown onto rooftops, so that the new teeth might grow up; vice versa, the shed upper milk teeth had to be discarded onto the earth, for obvious reasons.

*note: punny travesty on the 1967 James Bond movie, “You Only Live Twice”