Category Archives: milk

From Baby To Lady

[She’s a lady….Oh whoa whoa whoa she was a baby].  

Perhaps Tom Jones was inspired by this.

I was born with  many a sweet tooth in my mouth, and Dutch Baby was my go-to food & beverage companion, which I could eat or sip as well — spread on my roti, dissolved in my coffee or even jilat  off my jari !  Sedapnya!

Sometime in the 1970s (memory a bit murky/milky now),  the name was changed to Dutch Lady;….it supposedly was done “for better product positioning”.  There were also claims that the word “Baby” could mislead uninformed people into feeding the condensed milk to babies.  But in the old days, this was not uncommon among the poor — no hoohahs!

Not sure if Dutch Lady still produces condensed milk — I have not seen a can for years now.

Ada Ikan Di Sebalik Pelikat ?

Smell something fishy?

During my primary school days, Nestlé started to print beautiful photos of fishes on the back of the labels of their Milkmaid condensed milk tins.  We got hooked and persuaded our mums to buy Milkmaid, hoping to make a full collection – I think it was a set of 24 different fishes.  Nestlé even sold a special album for us to stick the pictures on.   But often we got duplicated pictures, which we then used to exchange with our classmates.

After the Fishes series,  Milkmaid came out with the Birds series, Animals series, etc…   I did not go beyond the initial ones.

Later, folks realized that the scheme was a kind of Ada Udang Di Sebalik Batu, to make people buy more – but Nestlé was wise enough not to have launched a Prawn series.  Haha!